I am going to start posting more often to my site rather than just writing in a scrapbook (this book is filling up and becoming increasingly messy). It would be nice to have an ongoing record online of my progress - so here is my first one!
Progress Update:
Solved Radar blip not animating - will only animate if sprite has more than 1 image in the index.
Have to fix pause issues with objects being drawn at the original view position instead of current.
Thought about including an XP system for weapons/tools rather than giving player credits. As the XP increases then weapon/tool effectiveness will increase.
Focus on:
* Fixing audio position of enemies relative to player
* Fix buttons on HUD - cargo
- weapons/tools
- computer screen
* Weapons upgrade screen
* Add weapons
* Add damage effects and screen (mini-games)
* Fix ship status screen
* Add XP system
Progress Update:
Solved Radar blip not animating - will only animate if sprite has more than 1 image in the index.
Have to fix pause issues with objects being drawn at the original view position instead of current.
Thought about including an XP system for weapons/tools rather than giving player credits. As the XP increases then weapon/tool effectiveness will increase.
Focus on:
* Fixing audio position of enemies relative to player
* Fix buttons on HUD - cargo
- weapons/tools
- computer screen
* Weapons upgrade screen
* Add weapons
* Add damage effects and screen (mini-games)
* Fix ship status screen
* Add XP system